Atomic Habits : A Simple & Effective Method to Create Positive Habits & Break Bad Ones

  A Simple & Effective Method to Create Positive Habits & Break Bad Ones

Learn how to:

  • make time for new habits (even when life gets crazy);
  • overcome a lack of motivation and willpower;
  • design your environment to make success easier;
  • get back on track when you fall off course;

Review :

Since reading the book, I have:
1. Used the motivation of loving hot tubs to get my rear end into the gym regularly - I reward a good workout with a soak in the health club's hot tub. Now, it feels weird to leave the gym without doing so.
2. I've remodeled my home office, which has had the knock-on effect of me viewing it less as my man cave and more as a place of work - which has gotten me into doing freelance work while I job hunt.
3. I bought an e-reader so that I eliminated other electronic distractions when wanting to read. As a result, I'm back up to reading about a book a week.
4. I've replaced my end-of-day beer with end-of-day tea and relocated the beer fridge so that I have to walk past the tea to get to it.


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